Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Again.............a long time

I am sure you all can imagine how crazy it is around here with 2 teenagers and 2 four year olds. Well...............to say the least, it's nuts. We are struggling with the "precious" attitudes of teenagers and it stinks. We have heard it all, "I hate you, I don't ever want to see your face again and I want to live with my dad." I have heard all the horror stories and they are so true and then much more. I have cried more and more wondering what in the world I did wrong and what to do to fix it. Well.................................have learned that it doesn't matter. It's what happens.

We are working through it all and letting Savannah help choose her groundings and what she thinks is "fair". We just did this 2 weeks ago and are coming up on the 3 rd week when she should get her progress report which could mean she is grounded again. Just depends on her Algebra grade. She made the rules this time and said that there wouldn't be any arguing, so we will see in a week or so.

I still love my children dearly, but I have to admit this is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. We are starting to take more and more time for them. Don't tell anyone, but I am keeping them out of school Thursday to do a part of the trail ride for the rodeo. We have always wanted to do this and Dwayne is going to stay home with the boys for us to do this. It should be a lot of fun. I will post pics when we get done. The girls will also go to work w/ me at the rodeo this year. Savannah wants to do a Tues night during spring break and Brooke wants to do a Saturday. See how that goes.

Well, I am off again to take care of me. Dentist! Whoo hoo!!!

Post again soon, I promise.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well, we made it through Christmas!! The kids all spoiled and nestled in their beds! ha ha yeah right. The boys are playing w/ everything they got. The girls have sent so many text messages it's NUTS! and we couldn't be happier!

I hope everyone had a great and wonderful Christmas and I hope you all are safe during the New Year!
Here are a few pics I took of the kids pretending to put ornaments on the tree. Enjoy!

Donnie and Jimmy

My beautiful daughters!!!!!

girls being goofy!


Thursday, December 11, 2008


Yesterday was an amazing day! I started out pretty down, it was the 5 year anniversary that my Daddy died. I didn't mention it to the girls before school because I knew what it would do to them. Savannah had an orthodontist appointment, so I got some one on one time with her. We took the boys to school and headed to her appointment, then we ran a couple errands together, Had to take advantage of the moment. When they got home from school it had started sleeting and then it came........................snow! It's hard for people to understand what it means when I see snow. I went home to go to my Daddy's funeral (had met Dwayne 2 weeks prior) and my neices and nephews wanted to go skiing, so we headed up to Wintergreen. Dwayne drove us all in his 4 wheel drive Expedition. It snowed all the way there as he held my hand and said that everything would be okay. We spend the day on the slopes (me, on my butt) and then headed home. I came back to Texas and started living my life without my father, which is a very hard thing to do. My Daddy was an incredible man and I love and miss him very much.

The next time the snow came was Christmas Eve 2004. I was in the hospital pregnant with the twins. Dwayne had just brought the girls up to see me and open a couple presents and then they headed back home to go to bed and wait for Santa, when a nurse came in and said it was snowing and opened my curtains for me to see. I felt that was my Daddy telling me that we were going to be fine and I was not alone that night.

Then December 10, 2008, the 5 year anniversary of my Daddy's death, he showed us again, that he was thinking of us and knowing how much we miss our family, that we were missed as well. The kids and I played out in the snow and knew exactly what it meant, I think the hardest part was Dwayne was not at home with us. He knew exactly what it meant too and we wanted to all be together.

We miss our family so terribly bad and both of our mothers are not in the best of health, so knowing that Daddy is up there and Dwayne's Daddy is up there watching over them and us it helps, a little bit. December 2nd marked 18 years I have been in Texas and I don't want to be here. My family is the best family a person can have, we are all very close and are always together when I am there. My mother, is my WORLD! I love her more than words can describe and I do not even want to think of what I will do when she is gone! I just want to share my children with her so that she has that life in her. When she is here and around the kids, she is so ALIVE and loves doing things. When she is home, she doesn't do much because she is so lonely. It's so sad and breaks my heart. Her Daddy is still living (96) and she doesn't want to leave because something could happen. I think back at the times I missed with my Daddy and that times that my children have missed and are missing with their grandparents (here and there) and it just really sucks that my children do not have what we all had when we grew up. I remember going fishing and shopping with my grandparents all the time and it's a love that is indescribable. Savannah is VERY close to her Big Papa and she has told everyone and made it clear that if anything happens, she will be there for him. What sucks, is the costs of getting there..............I get down quite often and sit here and just cry because I made some big mistakes and hate myself for them, but I have to deal with what cards I have been dealt.

I WILL be with my family again and I just hope it's not too late when I do.

God Bless you Daddy and thank you for such a great day and letting me know you were thinking of us! I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Boy oh Boy, worldwind.............

When would you ever think our lives wouldn't be so busy. I feel I take on way too much, but that's just me. I am still teaching cheerleading, Zumba and Ballet. I am bringing in a new class in January at the Y and it's baton twirling. I will be doing that along w/ cheer and then the Ballet. I am over 1/2 way through my anatomy class and should complete by Dec 5th. Then I will have to attend an 18 hour Pilates certification class, complete 40 hours of student teaching, 20 hours of private instruction and attend 20 mat classes. I have already begun attending my mat classes. I LOVE them. I have never been so sore from stretching and I feel so refreshed afterwards. I have started a new schedule w/ the kids and it seems to be working. I get them up around 7:30-8, get them breakfast and waking up. I attend a 9:30 Yoga Ball class and then I am starting to run this coming week. I have 1 to 2 classes I try to attend each day. Last week was a lot better than this week. It has been raining so I don't go anywhere. I am working back teaching a dance fusion class at HP again on Wednesdays, so that is another cardio workout for me. My Ballet class ends on the 21st of this month, but will pick up again in January. So, when I say I work everyday of the week, I do, but for about 1-2.5 hours and that's it. I have been selling more purses lately and trying to get them loaded on my website. I am still working on that as well. The boys have been going through speach evaluations the last couple of months and we meet next week to discuss their new route. We also FINALLY got a call from the MDO and the boys have been accepted and there are openings!!! I am so excited for them. We are now doing the paperwork and getting everything ready. Savannah is busier than ever, she is in tumbling and now tutoring for Algebra. Brooke just finished volleyball and being the manager for the school volleyball team, she will start again in the spring. We are now looking for club tryouts for volleyball so that she can try out for her school team next year. Dwayne is rocking and rolling at work, busy as usual and doing well. He is making sure he keeps up so that he takes care of us. We are all looking forward to the holidays. We were looking at going home, but thought we will plan for next year at Thanksgiving, for the girls to see snow and we take them skiing. We are also trying to plan for all of us to head to Mexico for vacation. So...................that means, I have to get busy bringing more business in and SAVING money. Anyone that knows me, knows I do not save very well. Dwayne is the manager of our money! he he

Well, that's kinda everything in a nutshell. Hope I covered everything. Will try to pick things up more often soon!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Trying to keep up....................

You know, I really enjoy blogging, but with my schedule it just seems that I don't get to it like I would like to. We all have been super busy with school starting and classes. It's just NUTS! We also went through about 3 weeks of kids being sick. Started with Savannah, then me, then Donnie and now Jimmy. Jimmy has taken a lot longer to get better. He always gets a NASTY cough and it lingers. We are finally on the road to recovery.

This will be my busiest time of the year. I teach classes Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri now. I have Cheer on Mondays, Tues is Zumba, Thurs is Zumba and Friday is NYC Ballet. I am also having to take some extra classes for our December Dance Recital. THEN, Savannah has tumbling on Mondays while I am at class, Her games are on Tuesdays, Brooke' Volleyball practices are on Wednesday nights (while Savannah is at Bible Study), plus Brooke is the Manager for her school Volleyball team which her games and practices are 2-3 a week. So, we are NOT busy at all! YEAH RIGHT! While doing all of this I am working on our website. I had someone build it, but I am having to do all of the "about us" and catalog stuff. Then trying to work out our shipping with a drop shipping company, ordering supplies/equipment for Zumba and learn new choreography. I am NOT complaining that is for sure. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY LIFE~ I can be all over the place and don't get the things done at home as often as I would like, but I am gonna get it before too long.

I am actually in the mood for fall to be here. I was in such a Football mood Sunday it was nuts. I wanted people over and enjoy the weather and steaks, it was fun. I am in the mood to get holiday decorations up and move on to the good times. We had a GREAT summer and can't wait for what's in store for the rest of the year.

Donnie and Jimmy are doing well. They are into EVERYTHING! We are on a waiting list unfortunately for MDO, I am hoping it will open up soon. I would like them in quickly. When I called to have them put on the list, she said they had to be completely potty trained and I freaked. Because we had done well and then BOOM, we were back to diapers. Nightmare! So, I decided I was going to work extra hard and get it done, well we were DONE in 4 days!!!!!!! Both stinking on the potty and we only had 1 accident! That's RIGHT ONE! I was stoked. We are next on the waiting list!

We will keep you posted. I promise to put new pics on here too soon!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Well, Savannah went to her Cheer Camp for WWJH and had a great time. It was a new experience for her, she had to work hard and boy was she tired. They started Monday at 12:45 and went until 10PM. Then they had to get up at 6am everyday to work out and learn their stuff. Supposedly went until 9 or so every night. On Wednesday, I traveled up w/ most of the Cheer Moms and we did dinner and played a learning game about each other (for us Newbies). It was a lot of fun and I really appreciate the warm welcome the Newbies have received. Thursday morning we had breakfast and then went straight to the recreation center to get good seats to watch the girls. They did well. They did have a fall, but received a top ribbon for their performance. Savannah is a flyer!!!!!! TELL YA WHAT, makes me scared to death. They received 2nd place for their Cheer and won Champions (1st Place) for their extreme routine!!!! Way to go Wildcats!!! This actually got them a chance to go to Florida to do it again and in the New Year's Day Parade in Orlando.....BUT the school district doesn't allow Jr High's to participate in this so that the High Schools have the chance for the spots. I am looking forward to the school year and what these girls have to bring!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Love the New Background.........Thanks Staci

Thank you Staci!!!! I have added a new background to my blog and absolutely LOVE it! I will be back on later to update!